Book: Made to Stick

Authors: Chip & Dan Heath Premise: What is it about certain ideas/stories that makes people remember them?  Made to Stick breaks down a number of different messages/stories and analyzes what makes them compelling enough to remember.  Breaking down the analysis in this way shows you how you can get your messages to STICK, so not Read More

Yet Again

I woke up this morning tired as usual, again. I got ready and headed out the door before anyone else woke up, again. Another day another dollar. I worked until late, again. Got home after the kids were already asleep. Yet Again. Read More


Long are the hours you wait for her to come.  Alone you sit, waiting for her to come.  The harder you try to find her the further away she seems.  She is unpredictable, coming only when it pleases her and leaving just as quickly as she came.  When you do finally find her, it is Read More

Is your team as efficient as it could be?

Laying the foundation Improve the efficiency of your team simply by changing the way you organize and think about your work. Organizations are typically composed of separate functional groups/departments that perform specific functions. Most organizations are setup this way regardless of their size or industry. Within these departments, there are the people that make the Read More

Why I think most resumes SUCK.

I’ve recently been updating my resume, this is something I haven’t done in over 8 years. I’d recommend that you don’t wait as long as I did to get yours current. Let me tell you, it more difficult than I thought it would have been. I think there are a few reasons for this. The Read More

My first official blog post

I’ve finally made time to get a blog setup for myself.  Why setup a blog?  Well, over the years I have come across many concepts in various disciplines that I think are related.  I’ve never really written them down or tried to think through the consilience of those concepts. This blog is my way of trying to make sense Read More

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