My career and skill sets have evolved from being a technologist who developed software applications, to an entrepreneur who built and sold a successful global consulting organization. In my twenty four years of technical and operational experience, I have designed & built software applications, led dozens of engagements, and established a proven track record of building and leading engaged and motivated teams while successfully delivering strategic business value through technology solutions.
I've been helping emerging companies evolve from a handful of people and ad-hoc processes to mature product delivery organizations since 2002. I am passionate about technology, design, and working with smart individuals. This passion has directed my focus to engage with early stage ideas & companies in order to create & grow something that did not previously exist. Along the way, I've taken up photography and designing & selling t-shirts or as I like to call them b-shirts.
This has been an issue of mine for some time now.  Individuals that hide behind anonymity.  I am targeting this frustration towards two groups of individuals.  Those that post articles or comments on blog sites that won’t identify themselves.  Their opinions are masked behind some random username that is only funny or makes sense to them.  The other group are individuals within an organization that won’t provide feedback in an open forum.  (This one is a bit more personal, because I’ve experienced this often at my company.  Everything has to be annonymous.
"I don't feel comfortable providing feedback if people know it was me".
Frankly this is B#LLSH#T (fill in your own vowels).  If you honestly believe in something than put your name to it.  My perspective is that these folks really don’t have conviction in their points of view, because they don’t want to associate themselves to their comments.  If you can’t stand behind your words, then your opinion doesn’t matter.  Just like you should have pride in what you do, you should have pride in what you say.  Within an organization, I can understand why people might feel this way, I don’t agree, but I can understand.  There is a lack of trust between the individual and the organization.  That’s a different topic, that I’ll address in another post.
I’m and I have approved this post.
I apologize for the rant style of this post, but this just gets under my skin.  If you didn’t get it, I’m not really  I was trying to make a funny 😉
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